Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crossing my fingers

So I mentioned the other day that I had exciting news and would tell you about it today.  It occurred to me after that it might only be exciting to me. Which it totally is.

Today I had an appointment with Dr. Berneis, my Endocrinologist. I had to see him because I have been accepted by the University of Zurich Hospital's Surgery department for bariatric surgery.'s finally happening. I am going to get this weight off once and for all.  I have been struggling more than ever with obesity. -Wow I hate that word so much. Don't you think fat is better? Anyway, in the past two + years since being in Switzerland I have gained 35lbs. That's in addition to the fifteen that I gained during Grad School and the twenty I gained when my relationship in AZ ended. So that's a total of 70lbs in the last 6 years. I am so embarrassed to put a number to what I've done to myself. And believe me, I know I did this to myself. 

Having said that, I have been overweight my entire life.  If there is a diet out there, I've tried it. I never had much success until I started taking the prescription drug Phentermine. It was like a miracle drug. I lost 60 lbs within 5 months. It changed my life drastically. Phentermine, however, is not a drug that you can stay on long term. It is an amphetamine and can cause serious cardiovascular problems. I had changed my habits drastically during my weight loss and even after I stopped taking the medication I was able to maintain my weight-loss for a couple of years. But as it often does, life got in the way and my use of food as an emotional crutch returned. And so here I am at the heaviest I've ever been hoping that this surgery will give me the help that I need to once again change my life. 

Before heading to the hospital today I made my very first video of what i hope to be many on this journey.  I didn't know what was happening today but now I can tell you. I had a blood test and a lengthy consultation with the Dr. regarding my nutritional and medical history. We discussed all the details of every diet that I have tried and every failure that usually followed. When we talked about the phentermine he explained that it is not approved in Switzerland and was a bit surprised that I had a doctor who was willing to prescribe it.  I was also given a take home "Cortisol" test that I must do in the next couple of days.  This test is quite simple, I just have to spit into the tissue type paper in the the test tube. 

So that's the plan for now. My next appointment is on 14th of February and I hope that we can schedule more of my tests at that appointment.  

I think I'll end with my stats.

weight 113.5kg
height 162
BMI 43

Can't wait to see those numbers change.