Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crossing my fingers

So I mentioned the other day that I had exciting news and would tell you about it today.  It occurred to me after that it might only be exciting to me. Which it totally is.

Today I had an appointment with Dr. Berneis, my Endocrinologist. I had to see him because I have been accepted by the University of Zurich Hospital's Surgery department for bariatric surgery.'s finally happening. I am going to get this weight off once and for all.  I have been struggling more than ever with obesity. -Wow I hate that word so much. Don't you think fat is better? Anyway, in the past two + years since being in Switzerland I have gained 35lbs. That's in addition to the fifteen that I gained during Grad School and the twenty I gained when my relationship in AZ ended. So that's a total of 70lbs in the last 6 years. I am so embarrassed to put a number to what I've done to myself. And believe me, I know I did this to myself. 

Having said that, I have been overweight my entire life.  If there is a diet out there, I've tried it. I never had much success until I started taking the prescription drug Phentermine. It was like a miracle drug. I lost 60 lbs within 5 months. It changed my life drastically. Phentermine, however, is not a drug that you can stay on long term. It is an amphetamine and can cause serious cardiovascular problems. I had changed my habits drastically during my weight loss and even after I stopped taking the medication I was able to maintain my weight-loss for a couple of years. But as it often does, life got in the way and my use of food as an emotional crutch returned. And so here I am at the heaviest I've ever been hoping that this surgery will give me the help that I need to once again change my life. 

Before heading to the hospital today I made my very first video of what i hope to be many on this journey.  I didn't know what was happening today but now I can tell you. I had a blood test and a lengthy consultation with the Dr. regarding my nutritional and medical history. We discussed all the details of every diet that I have tried and every failure that usually followed. When we talked about the phentermine he explained that it is not approved in Switzerland and was a bit surprised that I had a doctor who was willing to prescribe it.  I was also given a take home "Cortisol" test that I must do in the next couple of days.  This test is quite simple, I just have to spit into the tissue type paper in the the test tube. 

So that's the plan for now. My next appointment is on 14th of February and I hope that we can schedule more of my tests at that appointment.  

I think I'll end with my stats.

weight 113.5kg
height 162
BMI 43

Can't wait to see those numbers change. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

It's been almost two years

I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated this blog. I think my focus was on my teaching blog and my personal posts fell by the wayside. 
It's time I get back on the horse, so to speak, and start blogging about the changes happening in my life. 

I'm still living and working in Switzerland. I still teach third grade at an International School in Zurich and loving my job. I become more and more passionate about teaching with each day that passes. I echo the words of Malcolm Gladwell...
In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.

Malcolm Gladwell

I remember the first time I heard this. It was during my masters program and Tom Keys was trying to tell us that even practicing teachers needed years to become experts. It was an overwhelming thought then but even more so now. I learn more about myself as a teacher, a nurturer and a woman everyday I teach. But mostly I learn how little I really know. Now that is a scary thought. I believe teaching might be one of a few professions where you will never, ever get it perfect. But I'm still trying none the less. 

So that's work. My personal life revolved mostly around my pug Lina. 

She lights up my life and is my constant companion. She has to listen to all my strange ramblings, complaining and loud singing but she never complains a bit! Amazing!!

I'm getting ready for a big life changing event as well. Stay tuned for that. I should have an update in Wednesday. Cross your fingers for me because I need all the luck and prayers I can get. 

Until Wednesday. Xx